Contact Details
Phone number: +40 729 088 889
E-mail: [email protected]
Address: 9 I.C. Visarion Street, building A, 3rd floor, sector 1, Bucharest, Romania
These terms and conditions govern the contractual relationship between you and TRAILESCU AND ASSOCIATES LAW FIRM (Romanian: TRĂILESCU ȘI ASOCIAȚII SPARL), a Romanian limited liability professional law firm, established under the Bucharest Bar Decision no. 2419 of 29 November 2022, having the fiscal registration code 47308792, with the professional headquarters at 9 Visarion Street, building A, 3rd floor, Sector 1, Bucharest (" Counselors", "we", our"). The official registration of the law firm can be found on the Bucharest Bar's website, here:
These terms and conditions apply to the use of this site by you, as well as the relationship between us and you until the conclusion of a separate agreement, if any.
If a separate agreement is concluded, then these terms and conditions will apply in addition to that agreement.
Following your interaction with this site and if you contact us later, we may offer you business consulting or legal services.
These services may consist of, but are not limited to, those relating to the establishment of companies, obtaining the VAT number, EORI number, NIF number, obtaining work permits and residence permits from the General Inspectorate for Immigration, etc. (" Services").
Business consulting services may be provided directly by us or subcontracted to third parties.
The third parties indicated above may in turn sub-delegate, the Services or from the Services, to other competent third parties for the provision of such as soon as possible, in your interest.
Following the communication by us of an offer of the Services discussed, you have the right to accept, refuse or not reply (" Offer").
If you do not reply within a reasonable time, we may consider that you have not accepted the Offer.
If you accept the Offer and provide us with the documents required by the Offer, we will send you an invoice regarding the offered Services ("Invoice").
The payment details will be provided by the Invoice and will allow payment by bank transfer to our bank accounts identified in the Invoice or online payment by credit card by accessing a special button in the Invoice in pdf format.
In case of online payment, such will be processed through the payment processor NETOPIA PAYMENTS S.R.L.
Given that each project is unique, depending on factors independent of us, the Services will be provided within a reasonable time, depending on our degree of load and the specific circumstances of your case.
Also, in defining the reasonable time, delays generated by public authorities or banks will not be taken into account, as they are not under our control.
The Services have the nature of means obligations, therefore we are required to use all necessary means to achieve the promised result.
Given that the Services are means obligations, they will be considered fulfilled at the time of provision of all necessary means to achieve the promised result.
However, if this result is not achieved, despite the efforts made, the Services will be considered to be fulfilled.
You have the right to unilaterally terminate / revoke the provision of Services at any time. The reimbursement of the paid fees shall follow this section.
If after the moment of payment you want to terminate unilaterally, and in case of mandates, to revoke the mandate, we will refund all the price paid minus the expenses incurred and the Services actually provided until then in your interest.
If the Services have been partially provided, the partial price for the part of the Services not provided until then will be refunded.
In this situation you have the obligation to provide us with the details of a bank account where this price refund will be made.
In fulfilling our obligations, both you and we are obliged to act in accordance with the legal provisions on the protection of personal data.
The processing of personal data is provided by the privacy policy displayed on this site.
Counselors and this site are used by TRAILESCU AND ASSOCIATES LAW FIRM (Romanian: TRĂILESCU ȘI ASOCIAȚII SPARL), a Romanian limited liability professional law firm, established under the Bucharest Bar Decision no. 2419 of 29 November 2022, having the fiscal registration code 47308792, with the professional headquarters at 9 Visarion Street, building A, 3rd floor, Sector 1, Bucharest. The official registration of the law firm can be found on the Bucharest Bar's website, here:
You can contact us at the phone number +40.729.088.889 or at the e-mail address [email protected].
The moment of conclusion is that of your access of this site, which represents a tacit acceptance of these terms and conditions.
We reserve the right to periodically update and change these terms and conditions. In the event of any such changes, we will display the amended version on our website, for which reason please check the content of these terms and conditions periodically.
These terms and conditions are governed by Romanian law.
The competent court is the one at located at our registered address from Sector 1, Bucharest.
Phone number: +40 729 088 889
E-mail: [email protected]
Address: 9 I.C. Visarion Street, building A, 3rd floor, sector 1, Bucharest, Romania