Family Reunification Visa Romania

Începerea unui business în România este o soluție oportună, deoarece poți plăti până la 1% impozit pe cifra de afaceri și 8% impozit pe dividende în cazul înființării unui SRL.

Cu peste 100 de societăți înființate pentru clienții noștri, vă oferim cea mai rapidă și eficientă metodă de a înființa SRL-ul tău.


Conlucrarea și relația noastră lungă cu Registrul Comerțului, construită pe parcursul a mai multor ani de zile, vă va asigura un process simplu și rapid pentru dumneavoastră.

Nu vă faceți griji, ne vom ocupa de redactarea tuturor documentelor necesare, inclusiv a actului constitutiv al societății tale, precum și a altor declarații necesare, atât în limba română, cât și bilingv română-engleză, la cerere.

Nu trebuie decât să semnezi aceste documente și în timp scurt societatea ta va fi înființată și operațională.

Nu poate fi mai ușor de atât.

Pentru mai multe detalii, vă rugăm să ne contactați completând formularul de mai jos.



What are the requirements to bring my family to Romania?

To bring your family to Romania, you have to fulfill the following requirements:

1. you have to be a holder of a temporary residence permit valid for one year, of a EU Blue Card, of an ICT permit, of a “Mobile ICT” permit, of a long-term residence permit or if you are a beneficiary of refugee status or of subsidiary protection.

2. provide a legalized and apostilled translation of the marriage certificate, to bring your wife, and, the birth certificates of your children, to bring your children.

3. provide a lease agreement of a Romanian residence where you are living and where the family members you are bringing will live.

4. the residence has to be adequate for your whole family. For example for bringing your wife and two children, a two bedroom apartment is adequate (i.e., one bedroom for you and your wife and one for your two children). Avoid accommodating more than two children in one bedroom.

5. you have to constantly live at the residence until your family members will obtain the residence permit (i.e., at minimum 3-4 months).

6. provide a bank excerpt of a Romanian bank account showing that you have at least EUR 1300 for each family member you intend to bring. For example, for one wife and two children, the bank account excerpt should show at least EUR 3900. This amount is not required to be paid, but just to be shown that you have it in your bank account.

7. provide the Romanian employment contract or a proof that you are the beneficiary of the government health insurance.

8. provide a copy of the passport of each family member you want to bring.

Who can I bring to Romania?

You can bring the following family members:

1. your wife / husband.

2. your unmarried minor children or those of your wife, including the adopted ones.

3. your unmarried adult children or those of your wife, only if they cannot provide for themselves for medical reasons.

4. your or your wife's parents, only if those cannot provide for themselves and do not enjoy proper family support in their home country.

What is the procedure and timeframe?

The procedure is comprised of 3 phases:

phase 1: family reunification approval (3-4 months).

phase 2: family reunification visa (between 2 weeks and 2 months).

phase 3: residence permit for your family members, once they arrive in Romania (between 2 weeks and 2 months).

What services do you provide?

We provide the following services:

1. assistance and representation for phase 1 (i.e., we prepare the application and the supporting documents and we represent you in front of the Romanian Immigration Authority).

2. assistance for phase 2 (i.e., we prepare the application and documentation for the visa, but we cannot represent you in front of the Romanian embassy in your country, you and your family members have to go by youselves there).

3. assistance and representation for phase 3 (i.e., we prepare the application and supporting documents for the residence permit and we represent you and your family members in front of the Romanian Immigration Authority). The presence of your family members is mandatory.

Are there any taxes to be paid?

Yes, the following taxes have to be paid:

In case of phase 2, the consular tax for each visa, which is usually EUR 120.

In case of phase 3, the total taxes are EUR 200 for each residence permit.

Who is qualified to represent me during my family reunification?

The only qualified professionals that can represent you during your family reunification with your wife and children, are licensed lawyers.

We are a Romanian law firm with vast experience in immigration related matters.




Alte forme de contact

Telefon: +40 729 088 889


Adresă: str. I.C. Visarion nr. 9, corp A, etaj 3, Sector 1, București, România